Centino Kemp (Eddie Long Accuser) Wants Eddie To Know?

Centino Kemp, the 5th accuser in the Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal, was feeling ‘some kinda way’ last night and felt the need to send out a public message to his alleged abuser.

Two other Long accusers, Jamal Parris & Spencer LaGrande, appeared on local news last week, prompting the “Bishop” to address his New Birth Congregation.

It now appears Centino is seeking a response from Long as well…

But wait… there’s more!

And the moral of this story is…. throwing money at a problem (or 5 “problems” in this case), will not make it go away.

It’s sad that these young men have to continue struggling with these issues, while being front & center in the media. Some feel that they are only speaking now because they’ve blown through their settlement, but it’s clear (at least to me) that money is NOT the issue here.

They want justice…. and unfortunately for Long, it’s not coming in the form of a check!