Fantasia Barrino Doesn’t Care What You Think… (Confirms Pregnancy) [VIDEO]

During Fantasia Barrino’s performance during the 2011 Essence Festival earlier this month, she made sure to let her fans know that she was sick & tired of all the Pregnancy talk…

[READ: Fantasia Barrino Doesn’t Care What You Think (EMF 2011) PHOTOS + VIDEO]

Well guess what… Tasia didn’t care then and she doesn’t care now!

Amidst all of the online speculation and baby bump watches, Fantasia finally decided to make the big announcement.

Tasia took to the stage in Jacksonville, Florida yesterday (Sunday July 31, 2011) to profess to the world she’s not JUST FAT, she’s officially knocked up… pregnant… with child…

As if we didn’t already know… 😕

Watch video of Fantasia’s “pregnancy confirmation”…


For a while I walked around figuring out what will they say and what will they think about me. But now I tell you I don?t live my life for folk.

So…. this child that I carry…God has given me this child. And I don?t have to hide it from NONE of y?all!

So now that you know (for sure) that Fantasia is pregnant, does it really matter?

Are you still a fan of Fantasia’s musical abilities or does this change your opinion of her?