Idris Elba “Mistakenly” Tweets Sexy Late Night Surprise… [PHOTOS]

Sexy actor Idris Elba loves reaching out to fans via the social networking site twitter…. so much so, that he often sends out photos of himself like the one above, taken via his cell phone.

If you’re also on the social network, you may be aware of a trend called #TAD (which stands for Twitter After Dark).

The trend is strictly for adults and if you happen to be up during the wee hours in the morning, you may be shocked to discover all kinds of freaky sneaky-ness going on online.

Well last night, Idris got in on all the late night fun and to the delight of his followers, sent out a steamy pic of himself followed by this revelation…

Could Idris’ steamy photo been meant for someone other than his 240,000+ fans/followers? Hmmmm… who knows.

Check out the eye candy the British actor released last night…

Mmmhmmm… we see you Idris! *swoon*

Who knew Idris was a such a “freaky tweeter”?

Me likey!! 🙂