Who Knew “Educated” People Rode Public Transportation? [VIDEO]

A viral video is circulating that has created a huge debate about smart people…? especially the fact that most of y’all ‘brainiacs’ are so smart that you don’t know when you’re being stupid.

So here’s the scenario…? a passenger on public transportation complains about a woman who’s talking loudly and using profane language on the train.?? She’s no “Soulja Girl”… but she’s definitely a distraction to passengers.

Transit officials arrive on the scene to calm the situation and when the conductor asks her to quiet down, the passenger gets angry and begins to repeatedly state how “educated” she is and how the conductor doesn’t know “what schools I went to.”

“Excuse me, do you know how educated I am? I was in a private conversation with my friend…

“I’m not a crazy person… I’m a very educated person…”

Hhmph… as if dumb people don’t ride the bus…. 😕

Check out the video below:

VIDEO: Educated Loudmouth on Metro North Railroad

According to the person filiming, after the altercation the conductor got on the loudspeaker and reminded everyone to speak softly and not use profanity on the train, ?especially those people who went to Harvard or Yale or are from Westport.? (spotted @C&D)

Who Knew “Educated” People Rode Public Transportation? 😆

QUESTION: How would you respond to someone bragging about about their education while at the same time being a dumb “A”zz?