What NOT to Do When You Lose Your Job… [VIDEO]

It’s no secret that I was laid off from my good Gub’ment job over two years ago *shout out to Shirley Franklin* and have been blogging every since, but I had no idea my “good Judy” Drama Dupree had went through a similar situation and captured it all on film.

Check out Drama Dupree’s hilarious video adaptation of what NOT to do when you lose your job…

VIDEO: Fired on My Day Off

This is me losing my sanity. All of this happened in less than five minutes ~ Drama Dupree

But wait… while that first video details what NOT to do, Drama insists that if you lose your job, don’t waste time sittin’ on your “A”zz… get up, get out and get sumthin’!

Drama shows us how he bounced back after being fired from his good job at Home Depot by hitting up Cypress Street in Downtown Atlanta and using his “skills” to pay the bills.

Its almost the following month and rent money needs to paid before it get outs of control. One client, that’s all.

[Sidebar: I had no idea you had a part-time gig. No wonder we get all those crazy looks when we walk through the mall. 😆 ]

VIDEO: Rent is Due…

MEMORIES – After I got fired from Home Depot, I still had to pay the rent! – Drama Dupree

**Music Accompaniment: Melky Sedeck’s “A Man Will Be A Man”

You betta werk Drama!

*Disclaimer* I am not an advocate for prostitution but if you are an adult and feel that you have to sell your goods to pay your bills, that’s all on you.? And on the flip side, if you feel you have to shell out cash to catch one and move on, so be it.

Lawrence Taylor repp’d for the tricks in his recent interview with Fox

?I?m not looking for a relationship. Hey, sometimes I look for some company,? Taylor said. ?It?s all clean. I don?t have to worry about your feelings. It?s all clean. I?m not saying it?s right. It?s the oldest profession in the world.?

LT woulda been better off (legally) if he’d came across Drama and that PUMA bag. Who knows? Perhaps he already has…