County Employee Worked Herself to Death in Her Cubicle… Literally!

A woman died in her office cubicle late Friday evening and wasn’t found until the next day!

If this sad story doesn’t make you want to get up and out of that lil box, I don’t know what will…

Rebecca Wells, a 51-year-old L.A. County employee was found by a security guard Saturday afternoon, slumped over on her desk in the L.A. County Department of Internal Services.

“I came in Saturday to do a little work, and I saw them when they were taking her out,” says co-worker Hattie Robertson.

The exact time of death is not clear, but detectives say that, at worst, she had been dead for about a day before her body was discovered.

According to detectives, another co-worker saw Wells alive Friday morning around 9:00 a.m. but that was the last time anyone reported seeing her alive.

Wells, a USC graduate, was a longtime compliance auditor, and had recently become a grandmother, according to co-workers. Investigators have not determined the official cause of death, but they say foul play is not suspected. (source)

I know there’s a ton of cubicle bunnies out there reading this right now… and we all have to earn a living, but PLEASE…(I beg of you!) don’t work yourself to death for someone else’s vision.

As you go through life chugging away in your little cubicle, remember to LIVE and cherish each day as if it were your last because it just might be…

R.I.P. Ms. Wells.