Atlanta’s Flamboyant Gay Cops March in PRIDE Parade… [VIDEO]

It’s their job to protect and serve and also to be politically correct.

A video has surfaced of The Atlanta Police procession in the Gay Pride parade where a flamboyant officer in uniform works it out for the crowd. The footage was captured back in November of 2009, but I’m mad that I’m just now seeing it!

I had no idea Atlanta police officers participated in Gay Pride. I guess because I’ve never been… but that’s beside the point.

Check out the classic viral? video Mr. Officer’s model walk down the block under the cut:

VIDEO: Atlanta’s Flamboyant Gay Cops…

This so reminds me of Eddie Murphy’s “Raw” Gay cop bit… you know the one where he talks about a cop on the roof imitating a siren? “Whoooooo… pulll ovah! I said PULL OVAH!”

VIDEO: Eddie Murphy Gay Cop Bit…