Usher’s Ex Wishes She Could “Trade Places” With His Face Kicker…

Usher Raymond says he got a laugh out of that face kicking incident that happened onstage at his Madison Square Garden concert. CLICK HERE if you missed it.

He even sent word out to the fan that there are no hard feelings:

Wherever you are baby, don’t feel bad. No hard feelings.

In all my years, this is one of the most interesting experiences. I got a kick out of it! It looked worse than it actually was. My audience and I got a good laugh.

Well apparently Usher’s good natured response doesn’t apply to bitter ex-wives and Usher’s ex, Tameka Foster Glover Raymond, couldn’t wait to give her two-cents on the face kicking incident.?When asked about it on Twitter, Tameka let it be known that she’d trade places with Usher’s kicker in a heartbeat:

That’s exactly why I feel like twitter is the devil and should only be used by people who have a reasonable degree of sanity. Why even go there?