Behind the Scenes of Jeezy’s “Jizzle” Video Shoot…

I featured Young Jeezy’s “Jizzle” ft. Lil Jon on The “A” Pod a while back [CLICK HERE if you missed it] and now Jeezy just finished shooting the visual for the hot single.

Jeezy hits the court with the kiddies and his CTE crew in the Taj-the popular kid- directed clip.

[Sidebar: Jay Jenkins in that white “beater” just made my day!]

Check out the behind the scenes footage from the “Jizzle” video shoot below:

VIDEO: Behind the Scenes of Jeezy’s “Jizzle” Video Shoot

Follow the director, TAJ-The Popular Kid, As he brings you exclusive scene by scene commentary of this energetic and historical video. Behind the scenes footage filmed by: Brandon Wiggins of Wiggins Studios & Edited by Calvin Fields.

The official video for Young Jeezy’s “Jizzle” should be released soon… “soon” as in, “I don’t know when but you’ll know when I know”.