Mike Vick Quits the Reality Show Business…

Michael Vick has reportedly canceled the 2nd season of his BET reality show, ?The Michael Vick Project.? Vick says he would rather concentrate on his game on the field rather then having cameras in his face 24/7.

?I put a stop to that. They asked me to do it. I don?t have that lifestyle.?

When asked about Vick’s comments, BET says Vick didn?t cancel the show….and neither did the network. “The Michael Vick Project” canceled itself.

Mike says he’s not doing a 2nd season, but BET says that the reality show was only intended to last one season.? The premiere episode (which you can watch HERE) did exceptionally well — capturing the attention of 1.8 million viewers, but the show ended with only about 800,000 viewers tuning in.

I think it’s a good thing that Vick got a chance to say his peace on camera to the world, but he can only be beat up on for so long. One season was more than enough for him to get his point across.

Great job Mike! Now go get em on the field!!