Christina Milian Strikes Back! Calls The Dream Out on His Cheating Ways?

This The-Dream/Christina Milian divorce drama just gets messier by the day. Christina has finally struck back and is pissed over The-Dream’s claim that they were legally separated when he filed the divorce docs back in February … just nine days before she gave birth to their daughter.

[READ: The Dream Files Divorce Papers Days Prior to Daughter’s Birth + Christina Milian Works it Out ]

In her legal response, filed last week in Fulton County Superior Court, Christina claims the marriage wasn’t officially when he filed the divorce docs — and states that they subsequently had “marital relations on numerous occasions” after the filings.

Milian also claims that if the court does grant the divorce, it shouldn’t be based on The-Dream’s claim that the marriage is “irretrievably broken” — but rather because the The-Dream was a liar and a cheat. [and I’m sure she has proof cause it’s all over the net!]

[READ: The Dream’s “Mystery” Woman Revealed]

But wait… there’s more!

If you recall, the two married on labor day last year at a Vegas wedding chapel, then had a more traditional ceremony in front of friends and family, where they posed for the photo above.

It was rumored that they married with no pre-nup in place and apparently that was true since it’s being reported that the Dream forced Christina to sign a “settlement agreement” under duress.

According to TMZ:

In the docs, Milian admits that she signed a settlement agreement with The-Dream in which both parties waved any alimony or ownership right’s to the other person’s property, however she claims she only signed the docs because The-Dream brought them to her bedside when she was 9-months pregnant … when she was in no condition to sign such important papers.

This dude gets grimier by the day!! You can drop 5 stacks on a make-up bag but scheme on cutting your wife out of your assets? Ain’t that a bish!