Georgia Woman Loses Breast to Spider…

Victoria Franklin of Paulding County woke up in the ICU recently with something missing…. her left breast!

Franklin was admitted to WellStar Windy Hill Hospital a few weeks ago complaining of severe pain from an insect bite.

Turns out that the bite was deadlier than she could have ever imagined. It was so severe that Franklin was in a coma for 11 days and the area of the bite had to be surgically removed.

Franklin said she first noticed lumps on her breast on Easter Sunday but didn?t think much of it. As the days progressed, she began to feel much worse and by Friday, she couldn?t take the pain anymore.

She called a friend, who took her to the emergency room where doctors told her she?d been bitten by a brown recluse spider.

I would have never known in a million years that a spider could ever do this much damage.

My breast had turned black and it got so big, I couldn?t even fit it in my bra. I woke up in excruciating pain and the smell was so strong I couldn?t do anything but call my friend and say, ?Please come get me!’

By the time she’d decided to seek medical attention, Gangrene had already set it and the breast and muscle surrounding had to be removed.

Franklin will now have to undergo breast reconstructive surgery.? She will also have to learn to walk again.

In pain from her hospital bed, the woman urged others to head to the doctor at the first sign of an insect bite instead of waiting like she did.

News Coverage:

Video ~ Woman Loses Breast to Spider
