You Sent It: CNN’s Don Lemon vs. Tameka Foster Glover Raymond [VIDEO]

CNN’s Don Lemon sat down with Tameka Foster Glover Raymond recently in what he said was her first interview since the divorce.? While it’s evident to anyone watching that Tameka was only invited on the show to talk about her husband, she seems to think it’s all about her and he indulges her for about a minute.

Don grills Tameka about the divorce and she appears shaken, surprised and taken aback. I could go in on her but it’s actually quite sad and I almost feel bad for her.

Video below:

I heard that the New York Times approached Tameka about an interview, but they made it crystal clear that they only want to talk about Usher so I’m not sure if she fell for it.

I’m hoping she takes it AND I’m hoping they film the interview. Anything Tameka does on camera is bound to have significant entertainment value.

Props to loyal reader: ATLDiva