Wife Wins $9 Million Judgement From Husband’s Mistress [VIDEO]

Last week, Cynthia Shackelford, 60, filed a lawsuit against her husband’s jumpoff and a jury in North Carolina has ordered the mistress to pay $9 million smackaroos to her lover’s estranged wife.

Under centuries-old North Carolina case law, Shackelford sued her husband?s alleged mistress, Anne Lundquist, 49, for ?alienation of affection,? charging that the woman broke up her 33-year marriage.

Last week, Shackelford won. A jury awarded her $5 million in compensatory damages and $4 million in punitive damages to be paid by Lundquist.

Cynthia Shackelford

I’m just trying to send a message to other people that are like Anne Lundquist, that if they’re looking at somebody else’s husband that’s still living at home, that’s still sleeping in the marital bedroom, that still sleeping in the marital bed, to leave him alone.

Robin Roberts spoke with the wife on ABC news.

In the lawsuit, Shackelford said she and her husband, Allan Shackelford, were still very much in love when he and Lunquiest allegedly began their affair.

The Shackelfords separated in 2005, but according to court documents, their divorce has not been finalized, the News & Record reports.

Lundquist, who now lives in Aurora, N.Y., plans to appeal the verdict. According to the defense attorney, the primary defense in cases like these is that the marriage wasn’t happy in the first place, citing: ‘You can’t destroy a marriage if the couple was unhappy in the first place’.

In a crazy twist, Shackelfords husband, Allan Schaelford, claims his marriage didn’t fail because of Lunquist, admitting there were significant problems in the marriage and he had several affairs during their relationship.

He even wrote a letter to his local paper stating that his wife “wanted to divorce him at least two years before he began a relationship with Anne Lunquist. [The] Marriage did not break-up because of Anne Lunquist.”.

This recent development should have Tiger Wood’s mistresses shaking in their stilettos right about now…

Close yo legs to married men!


I wonder if Fantasia’s dumped her married boyfriend yet….