Backstage at the Oscars ~ Mo’Nique Speaks on Her Win [VIDEO]

Actress/Comedienne MoNique was a vision in royal blue during last night’s Academy Awards show. The diva addressed why she carefully selected the color of her dress in a backstage interview after winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role in “Precious”.

Mo’Nique explained:

The reason I have on this royal blue dress is because it’s the color that Hattie McDaniel wore in 1940 when she accepted her Oscar.

The reason that I have this Gardenia in my hair? Is because it’s the flower that Hattie McDaniel wore when she accepted her Oscar.

So for you Ms. Hattie McDaniel, I feel you all over me and it’s about time that the WORLD feels you all over them…

A reporter then asks Mo’Nique how she could possibly relate to her character in the movie, Mary Jones.? Her response was classic Mo’Nique! Check out the video as well as additional photos below:

Video ~ Mo’Nique Backstage at the Oscars

When asked the question, ‘as awful as Mary Jones was, did you see any of yourself in her?’ Mo’Nique emphatically replied: “YES! in that last scene!”

Mo’Nique then proceeded to ask the reporter to respond to HER question of “have you ever have a dark moment when you were unloveable?”

Everybody deserves to be loved… even when they are un-loveable. This role has shaped my life. To allow me not to judge and to love unconditionally. Now if that goes into my career, Great! But if it doesn’t and I’m just a dynamic person that I strive to be everyday… I’ve won baby.

Congratulations Mo’Nique!!