Cover Shots ~ A Pregnant Deelishis

Who knew Deelishis was bout to burst? I didn’t. But of course I’m a bit different since I rarely pay attention to reality show contestants. What else do the women of Flavor of Love do now besides pose for butt shots? Anyone? I’ll wait….


*blank stare*

Ok…thought so.

Deelishis shares the joys of motherhood in a full detailed photospread in the mag:

More below:

We had been trying. We tried for a little while. I said I was going to work on my album and I wasn’t going to do a reality TV for a while. And I was constantly getting work as far as hosting parties, but that was not something I wanted to do permanently. So I said, ‘Well, you know what? I’m going to really go hard with my music, and I’m going to go really hard with film. I’m going to audition for any and everything that I think is good for me in movies.’ So I said, ‘Listen, I may as well have my babies now–or my baby.’ I wanted at least one more because Jasmine is 10 years old and I wanted another baby and I made that very clear while we were dating. Just in casual conversation he would ask, ‘Do you want any more children?’ I would say yes and I would ask him how many he wanted. He said, ‘Well, maybe one or two. We both came from the same background mentally where we didn’t want a host of children, but we did want one together. He has a 5-year-old daughter and I have a 10-year-old.


“I couldn’t. I put it like this: I wouldn’t. I had decisions to make if I was going to take the work that was coming or if I was going to sacrifice the work to do the wedding. Since I was a little girl, I was like most little girls who, when they grow up, want this huge wedding. It’s the most important day of their lives. But by this time it was important for me to make sure that I was making the right decisions for my career. Our marriage was going to be there regardless of the wedding. So I don’t know if it’s a part of my growth and maturity but I was okay with not having the wedding…There was no wedding. It was a straight-up marriage. We just had a judge and a couple of witnesses. It was quick ’cause let me tell you this: the day that I actually did it, later on that evening I was on set. Myself, Garrett Morris and Joe Torry were working on a film called Pawn Shop. It’s a comedy. I was getting paid by the day, so I was back on set later on.”

Spotted @RealGossip101