Lil Wayne’s New Boo…

According to FreddyO, Shanell & Lil Wayne are a hot couple and have been for quite some time:

Wayne ?is so in loves with that girl, I dont know what she did, but he is just mush when it comes to her, He loves her drive, Personality, and ?the fact that she?s so talented. ?She?s one of his best friends

Shanell and Wayne’s budding romance is no surprise to most of us around town. The two hang out together often and are often spotted hugged up in the V.I.P.? I guess this also answers the question of Stage Presence or Sexual Chemistry in THIS video of the two. I also heard that Wayne’s “engagement” to Nivea has been OFF for quite some time now and she’s been rockin the ring to save face.

I also heard that the couple feels that hiding their feelings is too difficult. So I guess that means the cat’s officially out…