Flix/Video ~ Big Boi’s Big Kidz Foundation Halloween Party

Antwan “Big Boi” Patton held his annual Halloween party at Stankonia Studios last weekend with an open bar and plenty of soul food for the crew. Proceeds from the event went to benefit the Big Kidz Foundation, which is Twan’s non-profit organization established?to nurture the intellect of youth by providing them with culturally diverse experiences. Talk about partying with a purpose! This shindig went on til the wee hours of the morning in the Courvoisier Lounge and spread throughout the entire studio.

Jennifer (Big Kidz Foundation) and Big Boi

C-Bone (as a lil league Falcons coach) 😕 and Me (as an ATLANTA Brave)

Can you guess who this is? I’ll tell you below…

You may also recognize Big Boi’s “costume.” He states that he was “Dick Fury” (a spin off of DF/Dungeon Family) but my first impression was George Jefferson. He explains the inspriation behind his plaid suit and huge fro and you may (or may not) be surprised to hear the explanation.? Video plus more party pics below:

Video ~ Big Boi’s Halloween Costume: Dick Fury vs. George Jefferson

Backbone…. I think he was part of the robbin crew.

That was Lil Brotha James behind that mask…

Way too much was goin on behind that bar…

The BLUE LADY won the costume contest…

Mrs. Patton was an indian (as was I…. strictly coincidental. I swear!)

I can’t remember anything that happened after C-Bone made my last drink.

That was the most fun I’ve ever had on Halloween! Well….the parts of the night that I remember. 😕 Don’t judge me.

For more information about Big Kidz Foundation please visit bigkidzfoundation.org

CLICK HERE for more photos from Big Boi’s Halloween Party.