For All Of You Furry Fetish Freaks…

Kanye West ~ Dropout Bear

Remember that episode of Entourage where Turtle had to don a pink furry bunny suit to bag a hot chick? Well I’m sure you know that there are actually people out there who get off on that type of thing. These people have what’s called “Furry Fetishes” where they have an attraction to animals with human like features or tendencies such as mascots, while others with the fetish prefer inanimate furry objects like teddy bears, dolls and/or manequins. Although I feel like I’ve seen it all online and off, few things still shock me but this was one of em. I saw a pic of a Teddy Bear sex toy that had me literally saying “WHAT THA…?”

Now…I already know some of you freaks are gonna blow up my email asking how to purchase it, but before you even waste your keystrokes… I DON’T KNOW!?? What I do know is…there’s a sex toy for everyone. Even you Kanye!? Peep the craziness below:

For All You Furry Fetish Freaks ~ Teddy Bear with A Coochie

Do You See What I See??

Teddy Bear with a CoochieOMG! Is that…can’t be… yep it is….it’s a coochie! Whoever this person is that thought of an “anatomically correct” teddy bear should be investigated immediately for unsolved sex crimes. Seriously, I have no problems with adults doin whatever they want behind closed doors but the potential for underage exposure with this type of toy is scary. Who’s watching the kids? [And what is lil johnny doin humpin that bear?]

A Teddy Bear OrgyThis sick bastard had the nerve to line em all up for a group shot. *sigh* Lord only knows what type of craziness popped off on that sofa last night! A dayum teddy bear orgy! Let’s all say a lil prayer for those po’ sexually abused bears… [Somebody please save them!]

Spotted @ QATV

…and while we’re on the topic. Whatever happened to Dropout Bear anyway? He and Kanye made such a cute couple. 😆