Maia Campbell’s “Pimp” Comes Forward + “In The House” Co-Star Speaks Out

maia campbell's alleged pimp

So far, two people have come forward to discuss that disturbing video of Maia Campbell acting erratically. The first is the dude who appeared in the video who most assumed was Maia’s pimp or abusive boyfriend. He did a response video to dispute all those reports and discusses in vivid detail how the video all came about. Apparently he’s a rapper and Maia simply came to the set to be a part of his music video in Los Angeles.? Instead of cash, he says Maia wanted crack and when he said NO to the crack, she was caught on tape acting wild.

ken lawson

The 2nd person who’s come forward is Maia’s “In the House” co-star Ken Lawson, who played CARL on the show alongside Maia and LL Cool J. Lawson expresses his disbelief about the entire situation and explains how most people get “caught up” in the industry. I personally, don’t know why he even came forward cause he really didn’t say much of anything but umma give him his 5 mins.

Check out both videos below:

Video ~ Maia Campbell’s Alledged “Pimp” Speaks Out

Video ~ Ken Lawson from “In the House” speaks on Maia Campbell Situation

Out of both of these response videos, the questions remain. The “pimp” in the first video grabbed on Maia and she knew she was about to get hit. There was no question what was about to happen. His response gave no explanation about what happened when they drove off, it was merely a tool to clean up whatever was left of his “hood” reputation. Lawson’s video seemed to be just a way to get his name out and about again. I can see him now doing “where are they now” interviews on Tyra.

Who’s gonna help poor Maia? The bigger question is…can she even be saved?