L.A. Coroner Rules Michael Jackson’s Death HOMICIDE

New details of the death of Jackson, who would have turned 51 this Saturday, emerged yesterday after court documents pertaining to a search of Dr Murray’s Houston offices and storage facilities were made public.

In making a case for the search warrants, police said the Los Angeles Coroner had concluded that Jackson’s death was a homicide in that it was caused by the actions of another. The Coroner said Los Angeles police had asked for no public statements while they were continuing with their investigations. But in asking a Texas judge to approve the search warrants, police believed they would find “evidence of the crime of manslaughter”.

Although Dr Murray has been the primary target of the investigation, the documents released yesterday made it clear investigators were still determining whether Jackson died as the result of a single doctor administering a single combination of drugs or as the result of a long-term pattern of many doctors over-prescribing him drugs.

It is very rare for doctors in the US to be charged in these kinds of cases, but not unprecedented. (Source)

In case you missed it:

A Message From Michael Jackson’s Doctor (Video)