LaceFront Envy…

Apparently Kim Kardashian is seeking her inner Beyonce and wants to rock hot “A”zz wigs in the summertime try out a hot new look. Kim K hit the twitter rounds yesterday revealing her new blonde locks and twit-pic’d a few photos from her stylist’s chair while asking her fans for their input:

My first thought? …hhmph! That ain’t nothin but a lacefront and I even said it on twitter but I don’t think no one believed me. Well looky here…Kim revealed today that she was just joking around with you guys and her blonde hair is really a wig.

My blonde hair is a WIG!!!! haha, did I have you fooled??? Chuckie Amos totally transformed me! ~ Kim Kardashian

Kim tried to give y’all a hint when she twitpic’d herself rockin classic pre-lacefront cornrows right before the great blonde reveal.? Peep that pic under the cut:

Now come on! I bet Tyra knew too… 😆