Flix/Video ~ 8Ball & MJG “Jury Duty” Listening Party

Flix via OzoneMag + StraightFromTheA

Memphis legends 8Ball and MJG held a private listening party at Grand Hustle studios a few nights ago. From Suave House to Bad Boy and now finally home with Grand Hustle, the duo premiered several hot joints for the invited crowed.? The theme of the session was “Jury Duty” and 8Ball invited all to issue their criticism.? I arrived late (as usual) but caught a few of the songs.? I’ve been a fan for so long, it wouldn’t really have mattered much anyway, but the lil bit I heard I liked and judging from the clip below, I think Tip did too:

T.I. @ 8 Ball & MJB Listening Session

Check out a few flix from the event:

T.I. scrutinizing the music…

8 Ball setting up the next song…

DJ Bishop & Young Dro

Gyant stole DJ Bishop’s chain…I think he got it back though! 😆

DJ Infamous & Gyant (SOHH) still flossing other folk’s diamonds.

Young Dro acting up…

Grand Hustle honchos were in the building as well as DJ Bishop from Hitmenn DJs and The King (T.I.) himself. I so wanted to ask him about those bush pictures but decided against it. Yes…I was skerred! So I just snapped a few pics and jetted to the next spot. 😆

Check out a few more flix in the GALLERY