Quick Flix ~ Michael Jackson & Kids + “Thriller” Flashback

Spotted @ Celebitchy

Michael Jackson took his three young kids out of the house Wednesday evening. ?It is said that they are trick or treating for Halloween, but it’s possible they were headed to an early Halloween party…hell! It’s possible they were just going to the grocery store! You know how they do. ?Anywhoo…Prince Michael, 11, Paris Katherine, 10 and?Prince Michael Jackson II, nicknamed Blanket, 6 were all dressed in what appeared to be regular school clothes, but each donned a mask. Mike’s oldest son wore one that’s a?favorite of Scientology protesters from the group Anonymous. It’s not known if Jackson knew the significance or if his son simply liked the mask and picked it out of their vast collection before leaving the house.

I almost posted the orignal “Thriller” video, but the indian version is?so much funnier:

Happy Halloween!