Where’s the Dough? Bow wow & The Game’s 100K Charity Donation Can’t Be Found

Remember the Madden Challenge that Bow Wow issued to The Game a few months back? ?Well, here’s the abbreviated version….?Bow Wow issued a video challenge to The Game?and put up $100,000 as the prize, The Game responded via video?and accepted the challenge. ?Game also went as far as to suggest that Bow wow put up his Ex (Ciara) as part of the grand prize. ?Bow Wow responded with more nonsense and was followed by one more response from The Game. (confused yet??…join the club!)

The Challenge went off as planned and was hosted by Griffy2Trillion (former morning host of Hot 107.9). After all of his sh*t talking, Bow Wow lost and had to pay up. ?Somewhere in the midst of all the hoopla, it was agreed that the money would be donated to charity. ?Not a big deal, right? ?Wrong! ?It has been over 30 days and there has been no ceremonious check delivery or even any talk of where the money went.

Atlanta radio host, Ryan Cameron discussed it on his show yesterday and my new best friend Gyant at SOHH.com has reached out to Bow wow’s camp to confirm the contribution with no response. ?His investigative work did however discover the name of the charity that?allegedly?received?the funds.

Click here to read what Gyant discovered. One things for sure…The Game has some ‘splainin to do!!! Me? I’m just going to pull up a chair and pop some popcorn for this one. 😆 ?Stay tuned…