Family First! ~ Usher RE-Hires Mom

In a statement released yesterday, Usher & his mother, Jonnetta Patton have confirmed that she is back on board as his manager. He has fired his current manager, Benny Medina and his publicist, Patti Webster, resigned on August 1st.? Looks like some heads are rolling over the lackluster sales of “Here I Stand”:

According to a source, “He wanted her to come back on board and she decided to. He had really poor management and wanted her back.” The source cited lackluster album sales as one of the reasons Usher decided to reconsider his management.

In his own statement, Medina told PEOPLE Wednesday, “With an artist like Usher, the bar is set really high. Whether it was management, marketing or the music, we achieved a number one single and a number one album. It is a completely new day and time in music now. In four years, his audience, demographic, and musical direction has changed. Records like Lil Wayne’s ‘Lollipop’ are the type of phenomena that ‘Yeah’ was in 2004. I had a great time and we parted ways amicably.” (Source)

I don’t know bout y’all…but I knew she was coming back all along.? Usher needs Jonnetta and she is the primary reason for his success.? Let’s just hope that Tameka stays out of it this time…