Alexyss K. Tylor ~ Hacked & Out of Control!

VIDEO: Alexyss Tylor – Hacked!!



I know y’all have been wondering what’s up with the Alexyss K. Tylor videos….well the truth is that my friend was hacked by a bunch of redneck crazies who took over her YouTube account, published all of her personal information and then sent out racist emails to everyone in her distribution list. ?The dorks are still harassing her by attempting to hack her other sites as well as her new social networking site ( ?We’ve been working together to get all of it straight but Alexyss is mad as hell and ain’t gonna take it anymore! ?No one can say it like she can…so if you want to know how Alexyss feels about the hackers, check out the video. ? I must warn you (again) that the language is strong cause AKT is PISSED! ?So, if you’re at work…I suggest you wait til you get home to watch this one….or turn the volume down real low…