Atlanta Hip-Hop Turns Jazzy ~ Unwrapped Vol. 5.0


The Hidden Beach “Unwrapped” series is one of my favorites, so I’m really?excited about this compilation! 🙂 Hidden Beach recordings has collaborated with Collipark records for “Unwrapped Vol. 5.0: The Collipark Cafe Sessions.”? It is scheduled for release June 24th and will feature the jazz versions of some of Atlanta’s greatest hits!

The timing coincided with a hip-hop/jazz hybrid project that Collipark Studios had started on its own. “I felt Hidden Beach and its ‘Unwrapped’ series was a no-brainer,” says Mr. Collipark. “You have to do a project like this right; with someone who knows that older audience. My label knows what the youth want. So we felt this would be a great partnership to make a CD that both parents and children will enjoy.” (Source)

Check out the tracklist after the jump…

Here is the track list for “Unwrapped Vo. 5.0”:

“Get Low”

“A Bay Bay”

“Salt Shaker”

“Soul Survivor”

“Splash Waterfalls”

“Sensual Seduction”

“Walk It Out”

“Crank That”


“Ay Bay Bay” (Mike Philly version)

“Bridging the Great Divide” (bonus track with Mr. Collipark)